Who And What Are Those Egyptian References In Liber Resh?

The Stele of Reveal­ing, which Crow­ley cre­at­ed Liber Resh, was a trans­la­tion from the Ancient Egypt­ian to the French by the assis­tant cre­ator of the Boulaq Muse­um in Cairo, under the super­vi­sion of the Egyp­tol­o­gist Bugsch Bet in 1904. In 1912, Crow­ley had the trans­la­tion done again by Sir Alan Gar­diner and Bat­tis­combe Gunn. There … Read moreWho And What Are Those Egypt­ian Ref­er­ences In Liber Resh?

An Ancient Egyptian Approach for Modern Psychology

Psy­chol­o­gy today offers a wide spec­trum of modal­i­ties for guid­ing the sub­con­scious and the instruc­tion of the con­scious. There are many school of psy­chol­o­gy which base their the­o­ries on the sole func­tion­ing of the mind. There are also holis­tic or trans-per­­son­al prac­ti­tion­ers that say the mind does not act sep­a­rate­ly, but is always in inter­ac­tion … Read moreAn Ancient Egypt­ian Approach for Mod­ern Psychology

The Pilgrimage

Trav­el­ing to sacred sites in search of the­o­log­i­cal con­fir­ma­tion, can bring on a great antic­i­pa­tion for expect­ed authen­tic­i­ty. To the spir­i­tu­al trav­el­er, pic­ture tak­ing is nev­er quite enough. The place must be more than just vis­it­ed, it must be expe­ri­enced. An explor­er who feels the urge to know a sacred truth more deeply becomes more … Read moreThe Pil­grim­age

A Study of the Knights Templar: Through the Heart Of A Present Day Priestess

We were on the road to Le Puy-en-Velay in the Mas­sif Cen­tral of France, where the ancient vol­canic remains have left a val­ley with jagged rock out­crop­pings and giant basalt pil­lars, topped with ancient jew­els of his­to­ry. My part­ner and I had decid­ed to explore the his­tor­i­cal sites of the Knights Tem­plar in the beau­ti­ful … Read moreA Study of the Knights Tem­plar: Through the Heart Of A Present Day Priestess

Crowley’s “The Ship” A Grand Premiere — A Mystery Play Revealed

Part I Aleis­ter Crow­ley has writ­ten a great many won­der­ful works: poet­ry, erot­i­ca, mag­i­cal and Thelemic essays, nov­els, trea­tis­es on yoga and med­i­ta­tion, trans­la­tions of for­eign writ­ers, vol­umes of instruc­tion­al works, even a rhap­sody; he also has writ­ten a cou­ple of plays. One play in par­tic­u­lar, The Ship, was writ­ten some­time between 1909 and 1913, … Read moreCrowley’s “The Ship” A Grand Pre­miere — A Mys­tery Play Revealed